2012: A Review

The past year was quite eventful for me. Here are twelve photographs and associated trivia from the months of 2012:


  In January, I returned to India after 1.5 years in the US and it was a treat to see my family and friends. Pictured here is my awesome grandmother, who takes pride in that I study 'nature' for a job.


 I was back in Austin around late January and was gearing up to get my Master's thesis on the statistics of individual foraminiferal analyses started while working on Gulf of Mexico sediment cores. Staying late in the department became a norm, after which I used to pass the UT Austin tower to catch the bus back home.


South by Southwest (SxSw) is an annual festival of music & film that happens in Austin. March 2012 was my 2nd SxSw adventure. The above picture was shot at Emo's East. High on Fire were the headlining act and there was a half-pipe where anyone with a skateboard could join in on the fun. Yes, the show was fantastic.


This is a noisy Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) in my backyard - April was a quiet, but hectic month - I got my Master's degree in geological science and was prepping to leave for the South Pacific.


In May 2012, my life changed forever when I went to do field work in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. We encountered this fisherman with his kids on his canoe, in southern Ngela Sule.


Continuing my Solomon Island field visit into June, I was spotting lifer after lifer. This pretty fellow is an Olive-backed Sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis) shot at Husuzo, Rendova.


After two months in the Solomon Islands, I came back to Texas in July - for three weeks. July was a very, very busy month. I had, amongst other things, a paper and three AGU abstracts to submit, to obtain a visa for my upcoming German trip and most importantly, I had to acquire data from the Gulf of Mexico sediment cores. Pictured above is sea-floor sediment collected by a multi-core from the Garrison Basin in the northern Gulf of Mexico


This was a gorgeous sunset at Tulaghi. Due to -ahem- certain technical difficulties, we had to return to the Solomon Islands and finish what we had started to do - coring and slabbing massive corals.


After getting back from an excruciating second field campaign, I spent all of three days in Austin before leaving for Hamburg in the first week of September. I was attending a summer school on 'Climate Change in the Marine Realm' where I spent two weeks in (primarily northwest) Germany. The sand dunes you see above are on the island of Sylt which could easily have been Frank Herbert's muse.

October and November

October and November were (happily) spent in Austin, preparing for the AGU conference. I had three presentations to prepare for which meant that there was no dearth of work. However, being in Austin, I made sure I had my fair share of fun as well.


The 2012 AGU meeting at San Francisco was a big deal for me as it was my first time presenting (though it was my 2nd time there). I had a fantastic meeting and it was great catching up with familiar faces and meeting new scientists and students alike. After the conference, a couple of friends and I stuck around the Bay Area and took a few of days off. This Rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa) was the coolest amphibian I had seen since the Solomons!

And with that, as I said, 2012 was an eventful year so here's hoping 2013 keeps me on my toes too! I wish you guys have an intriguing and eventful year as well!