Fall 2019: A Recap

As you may or may not know, the fall semester of 2019 counts as the first semester that I completed as a faculty member at the University of Arizona’s Department of Geosciences. This is amazing to me for many reasons.

In the previous six months since the last blog post, I have:

  • taught two courses
  • attended four amazing scientific conferences (which were draining & simultaneously invigorating)
  • listened to and saw a bunch of new metal and music
  • spotted quite a few lifers here in the southwest US.

To recap, here’s a photograph from each of those months to kickstart this blog season:

July: Who knew Arizona had vineyards and actually had good wine? Here’s a picture of the extended Tucson family at one of the vineyards in Sonora.

July: Who knew Arizona had vineyards and actually had good wine? Here’s a picture of the extended Tucson family at one of the vineyards in Sonora.

August: The Paleo-ENSO workshop in Indonesia was fantastic on many counts and Belitung was an incredible place to visit.

August: The Paleo-ENSO workshop in Indonesia was fantastic on many counts and Belitung was an incredible place to visit.

September: The #ForamFactory was set up in September 2019! Pictured are two very talented and dedicated undergraduates along with an exceptionally motivated high-school student intently picking planktic foraminifera from marine sediments!

September: The #ForamFactory was set up in September 2019! Pictured are two very talented and dedicated undergraduates along with an exceptionally motivated high-school student intently picking planktic foraminifera from marine sediments!

October: Tucson has all types of things going for it. I am particularly glad to have caught many exciting bands that visited last semester including Abbath (pictured), Obituary, Monolord, Melvins, etc. etc.

October: Tucson has all types of things going for it. I am particularly glad to have caught many exciting bands that visited last semester including Abbath (pictured), Obituary, Monolord, Melvins, etc. etc.

November: Another thing I cannot believe - that I completed a half-marathon (most of which was down the side of a mountain!) without keeling over!

November: Another thing I cannot believe - that I completed a half-marathon (most of which was down the side of a mountain!) without keeling over!

December: The local landscapes are fantastic and full of life. This is a picture shot at Whitewater Draw, southeastern Arizona where we saw amazing numbers of Sandhill Cranes and several other birds.

December: The local landscapes are fantastic and full of life. This is a picture shot at Whitewater Draw, southeastern Arizona where we saw amazing numbers of Sandhill Cranes and several other birds.

Despite what the newspapers are saying, here's looking forward to the 20s!