Convos with Kau

I have written before about Generation Anthropocene, a podcast about moving into the Anthropocene, co-founded by Mike Osborne, a coral paleoclimatologist and a good friend of mine. To get a flavor of the podcast, here is their mission statement:

History is accelerating.  Global population has crossed seven billion, the planet’s temperature continues its abrupt rise, and scientists warn we are in the midst of a new mass extinction.  Transformations this enormous are rare in earth’s 4.6 billion year history and humankind’s planetary impact is geologic in scale.  We have caused a new geologic age, and it has a name: The Anthropocene.

In addition to our extensive physical and chemical influences on our planet, the Anthropocene has come to symbolize a cultural shift.  The concept has spread from academic circles to popular media and we at Generation Anthropocene want to cast our butterfly net as wide as possible to capture the conversations about this new age.  We seek out cross-generational stories from our changing environmental and cultural landscapes, discussing all things Anthropocene with thought-leaders like geologists and historians, ecologists and philosophers.  We’re grappling with our realization that we’re a geologic force and confronting the new reality with investigative storytelling.

I am featured on their latest episode, Fungi, a cedar, a Kau, oh My! in the last ~7 minutes or so where I talk about some of the exciting stuff that's going on with the PAGES2k group. Mike and I have always had long, drawn-out conversations about all things climate, and he decided to feature a glimpse into our back-and-forth on GenAnthro, with a segment called 'Convos with Kau'. I am super stoked - hopefully I can keep up my end of the interesting conversation! Check it out:

Podcast Recommendations

I've been a fan of podcasts (or recorded audio/radio for those intimidated by the term) ever since I started picking foraminifera, a task which involves hours under the microscope. While music and audiobooks are always welcome companions, the sheer variety of podcasts have made it my go-to for laboratory work and commuting (apart from NPR). 

Though I have come across many podcasts, I still don't think that the optimal way to search for podcasts of interest has been streamlined yet. This, on hindsight, might perhaps add to the lure of podcasts as they are things that you discover from a good source.

Here's a list of some of the extant podcasts that I'm listening to right now and would earnestly recommend. I've kept NPR-based podcasts out of this list. I would appreciate your thoughts on your favorites in the comments. Hover for details and click for links:







 Note: If you're looking for a podcast app on an iPhone, I would highly recommend Overcast.